
My Top 10 Captains for Galaxy Beta

A fluffy feathered owl in professor regalia and casting spells.

My Current Top 10 Captains in Galaxy

Hey y'all! Yukmouth here. Everyone has their favorites but which captains are the best? This is my list based on a combination of stats and personal experience.

1. Professor Who’s Who

A fluffy feathered owl in professor regalia and casting spells. A solid mid game and a very powerful late game is enough to put the esteemed feathered Professor at the top of the class. A bonus shop of spells is strong for any comp. If those spells help you make it to the late game you'll be in a great position with increased access to the strongest spells in the game.

2. This Little Piggie

A Little Pig running home from the market with arms full of groceries. Guaranteed value with the potential to high roll. A bonus shop can allow you to recruit an extra character or squeeze in another spell. More characters means more opportunities to find silvers and goldens. The best part is that the bonus shops happen on the same turn your shop's rarity level increases!

3. Geppetto

This art is unfinished but depicts a marrionette toy maker making a toy. Summon characters don't always show up in the shop but Geppetto is amazing if you can find them early enough. Slot buffs benefit the original character as well as the summoned character(s) and allow for late game flexibility. Chip on the Ship and Mephisto are both fun ways to take advantage of this ability.

4. Athena

This art is unfinished but currently depicts a greek battle god athena riding an astral owl. Built in tempo and flexibility. Everything on your board is gaining stats every turn. This allows you to play more of what you want and less of what you need. Karma Chameleon, Mysterious Egg, and Don Quixote are just a few examples of characters that go up in value.

5. Trash Panda

A mischivous Racoon blasting off in his trash-can rocket ship. Treasures are strong. There's no guarantee you will find them but Trash Panda can feel like the strongest captain when you do. Some of the common treasures are especially powerful when you have a second copy.

6. Princess Animall

This art is an unfinished sketch of an animal themed princess surrounded by woodland critters wearing different hats. Animals are a viable comp that becomes much stronger when you unlock new possibilities by giving them all types.

7. Gannondalf, the Mentor

This art is unfinished and will be here soon. Some of the legendary characters define your entire late game strategy. Knowing in advance what that strategy is and getting access to that character ahead of schedule is a powerful combo. Gannondalf could be higher on this list if not for those occasions where the legendary character doesn't offer direction.

8. Dragonmother McDonald

This art is unfinished and will be here soon. Mysterious Egg on turn two means an epic character on turn five. That Egg will likely make your board weaker for a couple turns but it can be well worth the loss in tempo. Finding a True Love's Kiss on turn five for a VERY early legendary character is a possibility.

9. Chuk-E

A wooden toy carved as a chipmunk with red eyes and two mechanical claws for hands. Extra attack on toys offers early game strength and Chuk-E has easier access to one of the strongest combos in the game. Poison Apple (epic treasure) with Toys that are Villains is hard to beat.

10. Witches III

A witch standing above a cauldron with two frog witches standing on her shoulders casting spells. Heart shaped green smoke raises from the cauldron. An early/mid game ability that feels less impactful during the later turns. Laser shark is just one of the Villains that love the back row slot buffs.

What do you think? You can come find myself and lots of Once Upon a Galaxy Team members including Matt Place, Parney and more in the event building for GENCON August 1-4! Come tell us who your favorite captains are!

A siren looking towards text that says Once Upon a Galaxy is Coming to GenCon August 1st through the 4th

Can't make GenCon? Come find me on Twitch.tv weekdays usually starting at 6:30am PST where I'll be playing a whole lot of Galaxy.

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