Sam Pardee |

Captain Deep Dive - Trash Panda

A mischivous Racoon blasting off in his trash-can rocket ship Sam Pardee (author)

Hello! Today I’m going to be talking about everyone’s favorite lil’ guy in Once Upon a Galaxy. That’s right, I’m bringing you a guide on the trash-trawler with the toughest treasure hoard, it’s Trash Panda!


Trash Panda has a pretty simple ask of the player; get as many Common treasures as you can! When I’m playing Trash Panda, I try to prioritize recruiting common quest characters and even in the later turns I tend to take commons a little higher than usual in hopes of securing more common-tier loot for myself.

Treasure Hoard characters also work very well with Trash Panda because you’re essentially getting to double up on hoard size in the earlier game.


Because you want to focus on getting treasures early, I don’t tend to cast as many spells on Trash Panda as I do on some other captains. That being said, there are a few spells that our trashy friend does love to see such as Three Bags Full that can find even more common treasures. Eyes of Greed is also a very nice way to take advantage of your overstuffed Treasure Hoard.


When it comes to actually selecting the common treasures that you get from all of these cards, I tend to favor ones that can become more than simple trinkets. Treasures like Lucky Chest, Lesser Mimic, and Secret Map can all catapult you to even greater heights when you’re doubling up on them.

I also love to pick up “build around” treasures that ask you to do a particular thing to unlock their power such as Drafty Window and Masterwork Scrolls. They might require a little more to go right, but when you have 2 copies it suddenly becomes much more worth it to go out of your way to do what they’re asking of you and you can reap some seriously powerful rewards.

Finally, don’t be afraid to take some of the more nuts and bolts treasures like Fortifications in the early game. The big boost in stats that you can acquire early on Trash Panda can help you make it to the middle and later game with full hearts.

Deckbuilding with Trash Panda

When it comes to deckbuilding with Trash Panda, I’m always happy to include any cards that can help you find additional common treasures such as Aladdin and Ironcast Dragon. Additional Treasure Hoard characters also play very well here. Let’s take a look at a sample decklist:

6 by 2 grid of the decklist listed below

Decklist: Aladdin, Beanie Baby, Evil Mirror, Toto, Cyrus Crimsonbeard, Combustible Dragon, Greedy Dragon, Mimic, Archdragon, Ironcast Dragon, Scale-a-Tor, Trog

This deck has a bunch of common characters that help you find treasures. Toto can find you early game questers while Beanie Baby turns itself into 2 common treasures when it’s KO’d. Evil Mirror is a nice common character that can scale into the later game a bit to help counter strong enemy characters.

Then once we move past the commons, we have a whole host of powerful treasure hoard dragons to take advantage of our strong early game. Greedy Dragon is particularly awesome here because you can complete its quest by finding just a single common treasure.

Here’s another decklist, with a slightly different take:

6 by 2 grid of the decklist listed below

Decklist: Aladdin, Beanie Baby, Belle, Toto, Kid Icarus, Greedy Dragon, Tasrmina, Ironcast Dragon, Witchie Witch, Elm Minster, Guinevere, Hercules

This deck is a little more focused on trying to find a specific common treasure; Potion of Treasure Finding. Once you get it (well actually 2 copies of it), all of your questers begin to find quite powerful treasures indeed. Tsarmina and Greedy Dragon suddenly find you Legendaries all by themselves, while Witchie Witch and Elm Minster find something even stronger! Guinevere shows up here to take advantage of all the questing we’re going to be doing, and Belle and Toto both can help us find our high-rarity quest characters in the late game, or perhaps Kid Icarus in the early game.

Alright, that’s all I’ve got to say for now about our favorite space-faring ursine friend. Have fun exploring all of the different paths that Trash Panda can take you down, and I’ll see you in space!

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